We are interested to update the data for all four system types, all institutions
that have installations of any of these systems, and all five data types once per
month (on the first Monday of the month). Several systems support automatic data
gathering while others require manual data acquisition or email correspondence.
Data prior to March 2011 is only complete for VIVO.
The data comes with diverse caveats, some of which are mentioned here:
Many institutions are in the process of adopting and testing one or several
system types. Development instances are typically behind firewalls until data
is cleaned and a public production site debuts. That is, many sites become
available with data fully loaded.
New data, e.g., all funding data for an institution, is typically loaded 'in
bulk.' Small changes in the number of records are due to editing by
researchers or data cleaning by staff.
There exist different people types, e.g., faculty, librarians, professional
staff, PostDocs, emeritus. Different system types and different instances of
the same system type aggregate and count people differently.
Some institutions loaded all courses ever taught while others loaded only
currently taught courses.
Funding data might be loaded with or without dollar amounts.
Publication data might be loaded from different sources, e.g., Elsevier's
Scopus, Thomson Reuters' Web of Science, or the National Library of Medicine's
MEDLINE and might (not) have citation counts.
No patent data was loaded in any IRN instance as of March 2011.
Please contact us at
cns-irn-l@iulist.indiana.edu if you would like to add your data or if you have
comments and suggestions.